Proclamation of the Free Left

Proclamation To all, who are still aware

that freedom and human rights

are genuine ideals of all Leftists


We are lef­tists from various poli­ti­cal back­grounds, who allied to fight tog­e­ther for a demo­cra­tic future in free­dom and peace and to pre­ser­ve fun­da­men­tal and human rights for all human beings. We have allied in the group Free Left, uni­fied by the rejec­tion of anti-demo­cra­tic mea­su­res appli­ed pre­sent­ly in Ger­ma­ny as well as glo­bal­ly, which are jus­ti­fied as alle­ged virus con­trol in con­text of the new coro­na virus.


We are con­vin­ced that capi­ta­list struc­tures, inor­di­na­te illi­be­ral action of govern­ments and a left wing rest­ric­ted to sym­bo­list and iden­ti­ty poli­tics can­not ans­wer appro­pria­te­ly to the glo­bal pro­blems ari­sing and ari­sen in con­text of coro­na measures


such as


  • Glo­bal incre­asing of hun­ger cri­ses (also in Europe)
  • Mas­si­ve set­backs in fight­ing pover­ty, des­truc­tion of socie­tal pro­gress and glo­bal pro­spe­ri­ty, as well as mass unemployment
  • Demo­lish­ment of achie­ve­ments con­cer­ning human rights or gen­der equa­li­ty, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the glo­bal south
  • Acce­le­ra­ted digi­ta­liza­ti­on wit­hout demo­cra­tic par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on or con­side­ra­ti­on of its impacts on socie­ty, demo­cra­cy, and human beings (e.g., two-class society)
  • Forced digi­ta­liza­ti­on enhan­cing govern­ment con­trol and surveillance
  • Tele­me­di­cal assis­tance, clo­sing of hos­pi­tals also during pan­de­mic situa­ti­on, AI-based health care negle­c­ting indi­vi­du­al needs
  • Incre­asing­ly illi­be­ral style of govern­ment, men­ace of glo­bal trans­for­ma­ti­on of demo­cra­ci­es into illi­be­ral post-democracies
  • Con­ti­nuing decrease of fun­da­men­tal and human rights
  • Des­truc­tion of social bases and of infra­struc­tu­re, com­mon pro­per­ty, and aut­ar­ky as well as the pri­va­tiza­ti­on of important infra­struc­tu­re in the hands of few glo­bal companies,
  • Con­cen­tra­ti­on of media in the hands of media groups, influence of cor­po­ra­ti­ons on journalism
  • Con­cen­tra­ti­on of wealth / fur­ther redis­tri­bu­ti­on from bot­tom to top
  • Depen­dence on major cor­po­ra­ti­ons regar­ding sustenance
  • Mas­si­ve divi­si­on of socie­ty, nar­ro­wed opi­ni­on corridor
  • Impen­ding urba­niza­ti­on and forced rural exodus, thus casua­liza­ti­on of living conditions
  • Immi­nent war and riots
  • Demo­li­ti­on of ethi­cal stan­dards in sci­ence, e.g.: tram­pling on Ruth Hubbard’s lifel­ong strugg­le for ethi­cal prin­ci­ples in human gene­tics and sci­en­ces; immi­nent une­thi­cal prac­ti­ces as in New Eugenics
  • Increase of dome­stic vio­lence, rape, abu­se, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal dise­a­ses cau­sed by lock­down and mea­su­res: child­ren, very old peo­p­le and mino­ri­ties suf­fer most
  • Incre­asing eco­lo­gi­cal menaces
  • Incre­asing dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on of peo­p­le with attes­ted and neces­sa­ry wai­ver of man­da­to­ry mask-wearing
  • Des­truc­tion of art and cul­tu­re: the bur­den of mea­su­res shifts to the pri­va­te sphere


… and much more.


The situa­ti­on requi­res a strong poli­ti­cal left wing to face the actu­al deve­lo­p­ments and incre­asing pro­blems cau­sed by coro­na measures.


What is the Free Left?


The Free Left focu­ses on the clas­si­cal ide­al of the left wing and aims at a free and just socie­ty as well as at ending explo­ita­ti­on of humans by sup­pres­si­ve sys­tems. Sin­ce many lef­tist par­ties, orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and groups have aban­do­ned the­se ide­as and thus sup­port the exploi­ting sys­tem, our cri­tics aims also against them. It is time for a chan­ge from bot­tom to top.


Fur­ther we reject all bias dis­tor­ti­on and re-defi­ni­ti­ons framing any cri­ti­cism against the ruling sys­tem, govern­ment, cor­po­ra­ti­ons, and other éli­tes as “anti­se­mi­tic”, “right-win­ged” or “con­spi­ra­cy theo­ries”. In this con­text, a lar­ge ran­ge of mass media has beco­me socio-poli­ti­cal acce­le­rants inhi­bi­ting demo­cra­tic pro­ces­ses by con­ta­mi­na­ting deba­tes and moving for­ward the divi­si­on of socie­ty. Also, noti­ons like “anti­se­mi­tism” or “right-win­ged” are emp­tied when the pro­blem of exis­ting and real anti­se­mi­tism is dis­tor­ted and belitt­led. This rather inhi­bits than helps the strugg­le against anti­se­mi­tic ideas.


Demo­cra­tic resis­tance against coro­na mea­su­res is one of the big­gest and most influ­en­ti­al move­ments from bot­tom to top in Ger­man histo­ry after World War II. It abso­lut­e­ly agrees with tra­di­tio­nal values and aims of libe­ral lef­tist move­ments befo­re 2020, such as grass-root demo­cra­cy and auto­no­my (despi­te sin­gu­lar instru­men­ta­liza­ti­on or copy­cats). We will not accept that reac­tion­a­ry and illi­be­ral deve­lo­p­ments could des­troy all achie­ve­ments of ear­lier resis­tance and free­dom movements.


Tho­se parts of the left wing rejec­ting this who­le­sa­le, ins­tead of dis­cus­sing com­pe­ting ide­as, miss a his­to­ri­cal chan­ce to make essen­ti­al demands for public wel­fa­re, to deve­lop a visi­on for future coexis­tence and to set bounds to illi­be­ral deve­lo­p­ments. To only react – ins­tead of acting – means to betray all libe­ral and lef­tist ide­als and will dri­ve the new move­ment towards the right wing (which is, obvious­ly, the inten­ti­on of govern­men­tal pro­pa­gan­da). We expli­cit­ly reject that lef­tist ide­as should be deva­lued for ful­fil­ling capi­ta­list aims ins­tead of huma­nist ide­als by hedging them within so-cal­led stake­hol­der capi­ta­lism. High­light­ing this aspect is of vital signi­fi­can­ce to us.


The Free Left wants to initia­te a broad move­ment, orga­nis­ed from bot­tom to top and decen­tra­li­sed. Suf­fu­sed with genui­ne soli­da­ri­ty, it shall rege­ne­ra­te the eman­ci­pa­to­ry movement.


The chal­lenges of the pre­sent and future can be faced only in a huma­nist way and tog­e­ther with all human beings. Con­se­quent­ly, we need a Free Left with tra­di­tio­nal lef­tist poli­cy and sus­tainable visions.


Our vision:


  1. Imme­dia­te glo­bal res­to­ring of all fun­da­men­tal and human rights. The­se are to be pre­ser­ved par­ti­cu­lar­ly in con­text of actu­al deve­lo­p­ments such as digi­ta­liza­ti­on, auto­ma­ti­on and pro­cee­ding achie­ve­ments in biotechnology.
  2. Com­ple­te trans­pa­ren­cy of govern­men­tal work and lea­ding orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, as well as put­ting them under demo­cra­tic con­trol, inclu­ding com­mer­cial struc­tures in media, inter­net cor­po­ra­ti­ons and social networks.
  3. Inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry sci­en­ti­fic inves­ti­ga­ti­on of the coro­na-virus-rela­ted events, encom­pas­sing cost-bene­fit-ana­ly­sis, detec­tion of pro­fi­te­ers, influen­cers (lob­by­ism) etc.
  4. Full and fair refun­ding and sup­port for all, that have been affec­ted by coro­na mea­su­res. Pro­fi­te­ers must make up for the damage.
  5. Fos­te­ring an encom­pas­sing dis­cus­sion on how anti-demo­cra­tic acting can be pre­ven­ted in the future.
  6. Streng­thening the fun­da­men­tal right to infor­ma­tio­nal self-deter­mi­na­ti­on, the right to ana­log­ous life, inti­ma­cy of thoughts and actions, as well as rejec­ting con­trol by cor­po­ra­ti­ons (e.g., Block­chain identities)
  7. Rein­for­cing a health care sys­tem for the com­mon good: real pro­tec­tion of risk groups, pro­tec­tion, and health care for all, who need and want it. No man­da­to­ry pro­tec­tion, no pro­fit-see­king in health issues.
  8. Com­mu­niza­ti­on of important infra­struc­tu­re, to pre­vent profit-seeking.
  9. Vol­un­t­a­ry vac­ci­na­ti­on: encom­pas­sing infor­ma­ti­on, relia­ble secu­ri­ty checks for new tech­no­lo­gies, par­ti­cu­lar­ly of such based on gene the­ra­py. Vac­ci­na­ti­on must be vol­un­t­a­ry under all cir­cum­s­tances – no social pres­su­re or dis­ad­van­ta­ges. Full lia­bi­li­ty of manu­fac­tu­r­ers for pos­si­ble vac­ci­ne inju­ries. No patents of inven­ti­on for tech­no­lo­gies paid by taxpayers.
  10. Rein­force­ment of self-respon­si­ble, self-deter­mi­ned and matu­re citizens.
  11. Pre­ser­ving aut­ar­chic struc­tures for a free socie­ty (e.g., cash money)
  12. Equa­li­ty and all rights for humans, who for com­pel­ling medi­cal reasons can­not wear masks (urgent need for action!)
  13. Using new tech­no­lo­gies to fos­ter free and self-deter­mi­ned ways of life and true, vivid democracy


We invite you to join our fight for a truly just and free society.

We’re currently building local groups. Join us!


As Lef­tists we regard the fol­lo­wing values and prin­ci­ples as non-negotiable:


  • All human beings are equal and have the same unali­enable fun­da­men­tal rights!
  • No dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on due to social ori­gin, skin colour, reli­gi­on, sex, sexu­al iden­ti­ty etc.!
  • Tog­e­ther we aim at a free, a just and demo­cra­tic socie­ty and at ending the explo­ita­ti­on of human beings by other human beings!


For freedom and human rights!


The Free Left on 1 Janu­ary 2021